Social Media SEO: Seven Ways to Improve SEO Results through Social Media

You can use Social Media to enhance your SEO rankings and Google Search Rankings. Are you looking to increase your SEO campaign by using social media? This article will answer those questions and provide practical social media marketing tips for SEO.


Improved SEO is essential to increase Google's ranking and your visibility in search results. It is difficult to get a high ranking in search results because of fierce competition, and the fact that more content is being published each day.


WorldOMeter's data indicates that nearly five million blog entries are posted each day.

The odds of your content appearing on the search engines are very slim. With the right content, however, you may be able to improve your search engine results.


How Does Social Media Impact SEO?


Although social media doesn't directly impact SEO rankings, the links shared across platforms will increase exposure for your brand. The links you share across social platforms increase brand exposure.

  1. Extensive content distribution
  2. Posts will last longer
  3. Enhance online visibility, organic traffic
  4. Brand recognition increased by
  5. Improve brand reputation
  6. Improves the local SEO (search engine optimization)


The SEO ranking is not affected by your social sharing. Even so, social signals are generated when people share content on social media. This indicates that the posts you post will be useful to your audience.


CognitiveSEO conducted research that revealed some interesting findings. The researchers found a link between the social sharing of selected social platforms and SEO after analyzing 23,000,000 social media shares. Google and other search engine use shares, likes and comments to rate your site.


Google counts the links, but not as if they were from other authority websites. Even so, it's clear that you believe that SERP pages that have the highest social share count are those who rank best.


Life Marketing points out that, when describing the impact of social media on SEO, it does not influence SEO directly. However, it has an indirect positive impact on the search engine ranking.


Social Media Mentions, Rankings and Rankings


Gary Illyes from Google had a key-note discussion at Pubcon Pro 2017. He was joined by SEO Eric Enge. Gary talked about how Google may use brand mentions on the internet.

You can now see how social media can impact your SEO. Google looks for real metrics and not vanity metrics.


Social Media: How it Supports SEO


Why is social networking important to SEO? Because social media indirectly affects factors that influence search rankings, its importance is due to the fact it can drive quality traffic to your site.


You can turn your readers into advocates by creating and publishing quality material that is relevant to them. Why? Why? Because they offer you something that is valuable. This means your readers will share and read articles.


They will then do the same and so on. Content creation and/or writing is a great way to increase traffic to your website. It doesn't matter what format the content is in, just that it engages and entertains your target audience. Traffic and social sharing are driven by:

  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts


The materials you provide will keep your marketer coming back for more information and, in the end, generate leads. Content marketing is sharing useful data with the reader. If you do not distribute your content properly, you won't have any impact.


This is when social media enters the picture. Your audience will then share the content you have shared. You can increase traffic, visibility and create backlinks by doing this.

This is a social signal that informs Google about the quality of your content. These social signals can indirectly increase your search engine rankings.


SEO Social Media Marketing:

  • Use social media to share useful information.
  • The right materials can help you increase traffic, reach your audience, and create backlinks.
  • More information will help your profile to rank better in social media search results. This can increase traffic and grow followers.
  • Building your brand community starts with a quality product.
  • Your brand image will also be enhanced.
  • Linking to your blog/posts from social media can assist Google in indexing them.
  • Increased search traffic is possible with indexation.


Share content that is engaging to your audience. This will boost social sharing. To strengthen these signals, you should also make sharing your content easy.


Is Social Media a Google Ranking Factor?


We've already touched on it briefly, but let's dig a bit deeper. Social media IS NOT a ranking factor for SEO. There has been much debate over the impact of social media in search engine rankings Benefits Of Social Media Marketing.


While many are right to conclude, social media is not directly related to SEO rankings, but it does correlate with them. We will now examine the correlation between SEO marketing and social media.


Social Media and SEO - How Do They Connect? How Does Social Media Connect with SEO?


Search engine optimization is not affected by social media. In the section above, I described how social signals and SEO are linked.


These signals can be used to strengthen factors that Google takes into account when ranking websites. You can collect these signals by sharing in large numbers on social media. You will see that your followers are more likely to spread useful posts across different social media sites if you post more often.


Several people can link back to your post as long as you continue sharing. The collective effect of the materials shared could improve your SEO rankings and blog's visibility. Google is a big fan of quality links, and they are regarded as ranking factors.